Romance Bytes tells the story of a college student who is bored with relationships, that have become superficial due to the rapidly developing internet and technology. Our protagonist, who has lost faith in society, has started to seek happiness in simulations. Now he has the chance to make his dream come true, but he is going to have to work hard for it. In doing so, he will come to understand better what he wants and how he wants to live.
Debtors is a twisted, dark story of a couple that is in debt trouble with a criminal organization called Hyena Brotherhood. As they struggle to pay the money the HB is exploiting their situation. In the meantime, they receive a strange invitation from a mysterious cult of pleasure and desire...
: You play as "Randall" a guy who moves back home after Uni. You are faced with the situation that Sue, your loving "landlady" is wanting to give herself breast implants. How will you cope with the beloved woman of your fantasies becoming a step closer to your perfect woman or shall we say SLUT? How will you handle the attention Sue will inevitably get from others? Maybe if she is prepared to get bigger tits, then maybe she would go even further into being your perfect woman? My Bimbo Dream is a Bimbofication, Corruption and focused visual novel.
: After some time away, you go back to your old town. There you have the chance to reconnect with a very close individual from your past. All that while receiving advice on the phone from your depraved nerd best friend! But you feel like there might be something else going on here...
Is this the end? Was this the reward for defying all the hardships, going against the impossible? Was it worth not having a family waiting for my return? Whatever happened, now the world is at peace. But what about me? If you are still out there, let me see their faces one last time.
Join our protagonist, whose new life has turned out to be far more thrilling than he could have imagined, even in his wildest dreams. Immerse yourself in an epic adventure filled with danger, mysteries, magic and unforgettable characters. Where will the thread of the misty prophecy lead you? Perhaps it is your destiny to become the Lord of the Shattered Lands.
Fresh Starts is a game where you finally move away from your home town to the big city, but Hutinberg is an unforgiving place and you might need to do... immoral things in order to make your place in the town. To what lengths are you willing to go to stay in the city? Will you stay true to who you are, or will you change to try to fit in? Only time will tell...
Your mother died when you were very young, and your father disappeared without a trace when you were 15. You were living in orphanages, when all hopes were lost, you got a mysterious offer ... to move in a mansion with 5 beautiful girls.
Society destroyed is the adventure of Matt a young soldier who returned home after a tragical succes in his life. In society destroyed you take the decision in Matt, every descion may affect the future of the game.
Trying to make HTML5 based World of Warcraft porn parody game Hornycraft Windows 64